Monday, September 2, 2013


To Prevent and Treat ZINC SYRUP Composition:
Each 5 ml 
)tenapooetul) of ZINC SYRUP contains: Zinc (from zinc sulfate) 10mg
contains zinc, a miomnetrient that in essentiat for almost all body cello aed masy metatseezyme systems. Zinc in involved in various metabolic nrocesoes and in the synthesis of DNA and RNA. Zinc in needed for hody cells with high tomoeor rates including the cots lining the GE, skin cells, immune cells and blood cells. Zinc helps provide ocygen to hemoglobin and maintains fall activity of several hormones including insstn, andmgens, estrogen and srogeoterone. Zinc plays u role in supersede dismstase anliosidant activity protecting body cells against damaging freeradicals. Zinc in critical for the utilization of vfamin A in the ref ins and prevention of night blndnesa. Zinc in important for maintenance of taste and smell senses and helps rapid fissae mpair in woosds, bores sod post-operatively. Clinicafy, ZINC SYRUP effect iveiy prevents and treats zinc-deficiency states in aduts and chitdren as in malabsorpflsn syndromes arid in genetic zinc delieinncy dnordem. In chilohond diarrhea, ZINC SYRUP reduces the duration and severfy of epinodes of pemintenl diarrhea not responsfing ls antibiotics or antlyarasfrc therapy. ZINC SYRUP also enhances the effect of oral rehydrallsn therapy. ZfNC SYRUP in sate, well tslsrated and ssitabls for all age groeps ts prevent and treat zinc deficiency especially in conditions wfh increased zinc lass or increased zinc requirements.
ZINC SYRUP ls indlsated in the following cnnddlsns: 
Prenentlsn and treatment of zInc-deficiency states an in: • Malabsorption syndrome. • Conditions of increosed zinc body losses )chmnic diarrhea, severe barns and protein-losing states).
• Genetic deficiency 
of zinc )acrnderorattis enterspathica).
• Condfinrrs that need 
resloratiso nt nnrmat and heaf by growth in chitdren and adolescents. Treatment of chIldhood diarrhea )in con)anction with oral rehydrnninn therapy).
For colfagen format fan, 
tissue repair and wound healiag. Dosage: For diarrhea treatment: For infants lean then 6 months: 10mg) one teanpvontsl (daily for 14 days.
-For Infants mare thang months-5yeare: 20mg)ZresopocrnflilsdaiIylsr14dnys or as 
directed by the physicias. Contralndicatlone; Hypersensitivity to anycomponent of the syrsp.
No special 
precast ions.
Side effects
SYRUP in safe nod well loinrated in the recommended doses.
and lactation:
ZINC SYRUP in safe and well loleraind daring pregnancy
Drug interactions: 
Zinc abwrofinn may he reduced by tetnsoydfines, CvnPflJsefrOY io IvvrruciFons ‘s
penictiarnhw, tuoroqtdnolsnes and 
phssph&ss-contaiviog . Follow sbrcrfr are donors prnscripaar. and cspper-carrtaiesrg preparsti055. tw rvnlhvd or use and Irs invrcrduunv or
Interference with laboratory teats:
repoited. exserrs in ve&cines their beneva and Overdosage and treatment: risks. Acciderrtal hrgestinr of high doses may resut in GI Derothyvesrrvlfnrrenserfwrersd el
disturbances accompanied by gust nc irritation, abdominal 
- orsrayear sr sann reoaorear pain, varmen. vomiting and diarrhea. Treatment consists wirhvsi conaduna your deetan of adrninintrntion of milk or alkali carbonates and activated Keep am rnedioements out of
charcoal menu vi elmidmon. 
Pacldng: Csencil of Arab Health Minisfem,
A baffle containing 80 ml of ZINC SYRUP. Union at Arab Pharmncistn. 
Storage: Keep at temperetam) 15- 30 C).
Keep sot of the reach of 
Mede In Egypt 
PH!S2 — — Aloxandris L

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