Farcosolvin Pamphlet |
Soft GeIatin Capsules (S.G. Cap.)
Each formulation contains: 5 ml Syrup S.G. Capsule
Ambroxol HCI 15 mg 30 mg
Guaiphenesin 30 mg 100 mg
Theophyllirie anhydrous 50 mg 60 mg
FARCOSOLVIN (Syrup or S.G. Caps.) combines ambroxol, guaiphenesin and theophylline which act synergistically to provide simultaneous mucolytic, expectorant and bronchodilator effects Ambroxol is a potent mucolytic which alters the structure of mucopolysaccharides of viscid mucus rendering it less viscous and promoting its clearance from respiratory passages. Guaiphenesin reduces adhesiveness and surface tension of respiratory secretions, and enhances the output of respiratory tract fluid , facilitating expectoration and inducing a demulcent effect on the tracheobronchial mucosa. Theophylline , the third ingredient in FARCOSOLVIN. effectively relaxes bronchial smooth muscles, stimulates medulary respiratory center. Improves diaphragrnatic contractility and enhances mucociliary clearance in respiratory passages. The overall effect is that FARCOSOLVIN increases the efficiency of cough reflex and ciliary action in removing accumulated secretions from the trachea and bronchi. Clinically . FARCOSOLVIN provides symptomatic relief of cough associated with viscid secretions and spasm of respiratory passages, prevents the formation of mucus plugs and converts dry non-productive cough to less frequent and more productive cough. These multiple effects demonstrate the high efficiency of FARCOSOLVIN iii relieving dill erent types of cough in a wide range of respiratory diseases in children and in adults.
FARCOSOLVIN (Syrup or S.G. Caps.) is indicated in the treatment of productive and non-productive cough associated with viscid secretions and bronchospasm in acute and chronic respiratory diseases as in cases of:
-Tracheobronchitis or bronchitis due to infections, exposure to irritants or due to smoking
- Asthmatic bronchitis. - Bronchopneumonia.
- Pneumonia. - Emphysema.
• Bronchiectasis. - Atelectasis.
Hypersensitivity to the components of the medicament.
As with other preparations containing theophylline, FARCOSOLVIN is given with caution to patients with history of peptic ulcer, hypertension, severe cardiac, hepatic or renal disease.
FARCOSOLVIN is safe and well tolerated. Rarely, transient nausea or vomiting may occur. PREGNANCY AND LACTATION:
FARCOSOLVIN should be given to pregnant women or nursing mothers only it clearly indicated.
it is contraindicated for chil&en under 2 years. it should be used for children under 6 years only under medical supervision.
Children ( 2-6 years) : 1/2 - 1 teaspoonful 3-4 times daily under medical supervision. Children ( 6 - 12 years) : 1 -2 teaspoonfuls 3-4 times daily.
Adults and children ( above 12 years) : 1 - 3 teaspoonfuls or 1 - 2 capsules 3 times daily.
A bottle containing 60 or 120 ml syrup.
A box containing 12 or 24 S.G. capsules.
Syrup: Keep at temperature (15 - 30°C).
Capsules: Keep at temperature (15 -30 C ) in a dry place
- Medicarnent is a product which l1ecIs your health and its consumption contrary 10 instructions is dan9erous for you.
- FoUow strictly the doctor’s prescnption. the mothod of use and the instructions of the pharmacist
who sold the medicament.
- The doctor and the pharmacist are the experts in medicines . their benefits and risks
- Do riot by yourself Interrupt the period of treatment prescribed.
• Do not repeat the same prescription without consulting your doctor.
- Keep all medicaments out of reach of children.
Council of Arab Health Mlnisters,Unlon of Arab Pharmacists.
Each formulation contains: 5 ml Syrup S.G. Capsule
Ambroxol HCI 15 mg 30 mg
Guaiphenesin 30 mg 100 mg
Theophyllirie anhydrous 50 mg 60 mg
FARCOSOLVIN (Syrup or S.G. Caps.) combines ambroxol, guaiphenesin and theophylline which act synergistically to provide simultaneous mucolytic, expectorant and bronchodilator effects Ambroxol is a potent mucolytic which alters the structure of mucopolysaccharides of viscid mucus rendering it less viscous and promoting its clearance from respiratory passages. Guaiphenesin reduces adhesiveness and surface tension of respiratory secretions, and enhances the output of respiratory tract fluid , facilitating expectoration and inducing a demulcent effect on the tracheobronchial mucosa. Theophylline , the third ingredient in FARCOSOLVIN. effectively relaxes bronchial smooth muscles, stimulates medulary respiratory center. Improves diaphragrnatic contractility and enhances mucociliary clearance in respiratory passages. The overall effect is that FARCOSOLVIN increases the efficiency of cough reflex and ciliary action in removing accumulated secretions from the trachea and bronchi. Clinically . FARCOSOLVIN provides symptomatic relief of cough associated with viscid secretions and spasm of respiratory passages, prevents the formation of mucus plugs and converts dry non-productive cough to less frequent and more productive cough. These multiple effects demonstrate the high efficiency of FARCOSOLVIN iii relieving dill erent types of cough in a wide range of respiratory diseases in children and in adults.
FARCOSOLVIN (Syrup or S.G. Caps.) is indicated in the treatment of productive and non-productive cough associated with viscid secretions and bronchospasm in acute and chronic respiratory diseases as in cases of:
-Tracheobronchitis or bronchitis due to infections, exposure to irritants or due to smoking
- Asthmatic bronchitis. - Bronchopneumonia.
- Pneumonia. - Emphysema.
• Bronchiectasis. - Atelectasis.
Hypersensitivity to the components of the medicament.
As with other preparations containing theophylline, FARCOSOLVIN is given with caution to patients with history of peptic ulcer, hypertension, severe cardiac, hepatic or renal disease.
FARCOSOLVIN is safe and well tolerated. Rarely, transient nausea or vomiting may occur. PREGNANCY AND LACTATION:
FARCOSOLVIN should be given to pregnant women or nursing mothers only it clearly indicated.
it is contraindicated for chil&en under 2 years. it should be used for children under 6 years only under medical supervision.
Children ( 2-6 years) : 1/2 - 1 teaspoonful 3-4 times daily under medical supervision. Children ( 6 - 12 years) : 1 -2 teaspoonfuls 3-4 times daily.
Adults and children ( above 12 years) : 1 - 3 teaspoonfuls or 1 - 2 capsules 3 times daily.
A bottle containing 60 or 120 ml syrup.
A box containing 12 or 24 S.G. capsules.
Syrup: Keep at temperature (15 - 30°C).
Capsules: Keep at temperature (15 -30 C ) in a dry place
- Medicarnent is a product which l1ecIs your health and its consumption contrary 10 instructions is dan9erous for you.
- FoUow strictly the doctor’s prescnption. the mothod of use and the instructions of the pharmacist
who sold the medicament.
- The doctor and the pharmacist are the experts in medicines . their benefits and risks
- Do riot by yourself Interrupt the period of treatment prescribed.
• Do not repeat the same prescription without consulting your doctor.
- Keep all medicaments out of reach of children.
Council of Arab Health Mlnisters,Unlon of Arab Pharmacists.
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