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Thblets (Film-Coated)
• 50 or 100 mg
Pregnancy; used only if the potential benefit justifies the potential risk.
Lactation; nursing should be discontinued by mothers receiving ATmOØ.
Treatment with ATENO&shouId not be discontinued abruptly, fatalities may occur.
Patients on long-term treatment with AIENOØshould have their medication discontinued
gradually over a period of I — 2 weeks.
The anaesthetist must be informed of the use of beta-blockers.
Treatment of overdosage: Overdosage of the drug may cause bradycardia, hypotension,
and acute cardiac insufficiency. Treatment may involve gastric lavage, fluid or plasma
administration or haemodialysis. Excessive bradycardia may be countered by atropine I —
2 mg (intravenously), and if necessary followed by a beta- stimulant such as isoprenaline
25 g as slow intravenous injection
A known hypersensitivity to the drug.
Sinus bradycardia and second or third degree atrioventricular block.
Metabolic acidosis and severe peripheral arterial disease.
Patients with uncontrolled heart failure.
Patients with bronchospasm or asthma or those with a history of obstructive airways
Patients with untreated pheochrornocytoma.
Side - Effects:
These may include coldness of the extremities, muscular fatigue, and in isolated cases,
bradycardia, hypotension, and sleep disturbances, of the type noted with other
beta-blockers. Nausea, vomiting and other gastro-intestinal disturbances, dizziness, and
disturbance of vision may occur.
mg Tablets: Box of 2 blisters of 10 tablets each.
mg Tablets: Box of 2 blisters of 10 tablets each.
•Medicarnent is a product which affects your health, and its consumption contrary to instructions
is for you.
•Follow strictly me doctor'S prescription, the method of use, aM the instructions of pharmacist
who sold the medicament.
•The doctor and the Pharmacist are experts inrnedicine,
•Do not interrupt the period of treatment prescribed by yourself.
•Do not repeat the same prescription without consulting your
•Keep medicines out of reach of
18-09-2005 PMS: Black C.
56 g/m2 110 401 PAM
E.I. P. 1. CO.
For Hypertension and Coronary Insumciency
Each tablet contains:
Atenolol -
ATENOØiS a cardioselective beta-blocker. It reduces the rate and force of contraction of
the heart and decreases the rate of conduction of impulses through the conducting
system. Its principal effect is to reduce the response of the heart to stress and exercise. It
lacks intrinsic sympathomimetic activity and membrane stabilizing properties.
After oral administration, atenolol is rapidly but incompletely absorbed from the
gastrointestinal tract % Approximately 50% of an oral dose of ATENOØis absorbed. Peak
plasma concentrations have been achieved in 2 — 4 hours. The plasma half-life is about
6 — 7 hours. Only a small amount of aten0101 is bound to plasma proteins.
AIENO'diffuses across the placenta and is excreted in breast milk. Elimination occurs%
mainly in the urine.
- Treatment of hypertension.
- Treatment of coronary insufficiency.
Dosage and Administration:
Usual dose is 50 — 100 mg daily given orally as a single dose or in divided doses or up to
200 mg daily if necessary.
Angina pectoris:
Usual dose: 50 — 100 mg daily given orally as a Single dose according to the response of
the patient,
Ateno tablets can be used with a suitable antihypertensive diuretic to provide a highly
effective and convenient antihypertensive therapy.
In renal impairment, dosage reductionis required as follows:
Creatinine Clearance
15 — 35 ml/minute
Less than 15 mVminute
50 mg/day
25 — 50 mg eveff otherday.
In haemodialysis pafients: 50 mg after each dialysis.
Drug Interacdons:
- ATTNO'may potentiate the action Of other antihypertensive agentS.
- Calcium channel blockers may have an additive effect.
- NSAlDs may decrease the antihypertensiveeffect of KIENO'.
- Catecholamine — depleting drugs, eg, reserpine, may have an additive effect.
- Sympathomimetic agents, eg adrenaline, may counteract the action of Ateno.
- Anaesthetic agents causing myocardial depression, such as ether, cyclopropane, and
trichloroethylene, are best avoided during general anaesthesia of patients taking beta
- may mask symptoms of the hypoglycaemic effect induced by insulin and oral
hypoglycaemic agents.
-ATENO' should be used with caution in:
- Patients with impaired renal function.
- Diabetic patents.
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