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Epicoflocin |
For the medical profession onlyEpicoflocin®
Scored film coated tablets
Composition: Each scored film coated tablet contains:
Offoxacin 200mg Properties and Mode of action: Epicoflodn is a Ituoroquinolone antibacterial with a broad spectrum of activity against Gram negative and Gram positive bacteria such as: E coil, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Proteus mirablils and nuigaris, Kiebsiella sp. Kemophllus lnlluenzae, Moraxella catarrhalls, Salmonella op., Shigelta sp.,Campylobacter sp. Acinerobacler op., Neisseria gonorrhoeae and meningitidis, Morganella molganhi, Providentla reltgerl and stuacril, Staphylococcus aureus and epidermidis including methicillin-rnsistant and methlclllin-suscepllble strains), Staphylococcus saproptilticus, Streptococcus agalactiae,pyogenes and pneumoniae, Enterococcus faecabs, Legionella op., and Chiamydia trachomatis. It acts on the bacterial DNA gyrase enzyme and thus inhibits DNA replication. Pharmacokinetlos: Ofioxacin Is rapidly and well-absorbed from the gaslrotnientlnal tract, and Is widely distributed to most body tissues, it crosses the CSF, placenta, and is distributed through the breast milL Its bloavailability is approtomately 98% and 32% in bound to plasma protein. Ills slightly metabolized In the liver, and Is eliminated mainly by the kidneys with 70-80% recovered in urine in the active form. Plasma half life is about 5—7 hours.
Scored film coated tablets
Composition: Each scored film coated tablet contains:
Offoxacin 200mg Properties and Mode of action: Epicoflodn is a Ituoroquinolone antibacterial with a broad spectrum of activity against Gram negative and Gram positive bacteria such as: E coil, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Proteus mirablils and nuigaris, Kiebsiella sp. Kemophllus lnlluenzae, Moraxella catarrhalls, Salmonella op., Shigelta sp.,Campylobacter sp. Acinerobacler op., Neisseria gonorrhoeae and meningitidis, Morganella molganhi, Providentla reltgerl and stuacril, Staphylococcus aureus and epidermidis including methicillin-rnsistant and methlclllin-suscepllble strains), Staphylococcus saproptilticus, Streptococcus agalactiae,pyogenes and pneumoniae, Enterococcus faecabs, Legionella op., and Chiamydia trachomatis. It acts on the bacterial DNA gyrase enzyme and thus inhibits DNA replication. Pharmacokinetlos: Ofioxacin Is rapidly and well-absorbed from the gaslrotnientlnal tract, and Is widely distributed to most body tissues, it crosses the CSF, placenta, and is distributed through the breast milL Its bloavailability is approtomately 98% and 32% in bound to plasma protein. Ills slightly metabolized In the liver, and Is eliminated mainly by the kidneys with 70-80% recovered in urine in the active form. Plasma half life is about 5—7 hours.
Indications, Dosage and Administration: Eplcoltodn® tablets should be swatowed whole with a sufficient quantity of liquid, and it maybe taken with meals
Unit Dose
Urmary Tract
Cysritis due toE coil Or K. pneumoniae
oo tog
q 12 tots
3 days
Cysritis due to sitter organisms
q 12 tots
7 days
| |
omplicated tlfls
q 12 tots
10 days
| |
Respiratory Tract |
Exacerbation of cbrs,tlr
4110 tog
q 12 hrs
q 12 tots
10 days
| |
skin and
skin Stricture |
| |
q 12 tim
6 weebs
| |
Transmitted Diseases |
Acxtn UsCotnptbsttrd gonorrhea
Single dose
1 day
Cernlsitis/Uretiltltis duet C. tradromatts
q 12 bits
- |
7 days
| |
Cervrcltis/tirethrlss duet N. gonorrhoeae
oo mg
rg 12 tots
7 days
Renal Function Impairment Milan dosage In patients with a creatinine clearance value of 50 mi/mm. After a normal initial dose, adjust the dosing Interval as follows: - Crearinine clearance 10—80 mi/mItt, use a 24 hours interval and do not adjust the dosage. - Creatinme clearance 0 10 mI/mm, use a 24 hours interval and one — half the recommended dosage.
CDC) Centern for Disease Control and Prevention) recommended schedules for Chlamydla, Epididlmytis, Pelvic Inflammatory Disease IPID) and Gonorrhea:
-Chlamydia: 300mg orally 2 times/day for 7 days I alternative regimen. -Epldidbmytls: 300 mg orally 2 lImes/day for 10 days I alternatIve regtmen .PID, outpatient:400 mg orally 2 times/day for 14 days plus clindamycin or metronidozole. - Goosococcal Infections, uncomplicated: 400 tog orally in a single dose plus Missed dose: It you miss a dose, take it as soon as you can. If Iris almost time for your next dose, skip the missed dose, do not doable the dose to make up for the mtssed dose. Patients should drink sufficient quantity of water or other liquid every day. Drug interactions: - The concomitant administration of Eplcoflocin° with antacids containing calcium, aluminium, magnesium; sucralfate; drugs containing Iron; and multivltamins containing zinc results in decrease efficacy of Eplcoflocmn®, so they should sot be taker within the 2 hours period before or after administration of the drug. - Concomitant administratIon with wartarin enhances the effect of warfarin and prolongs the prothrOmbin time. - Disturbances of blood glucose may occur In patients treated concurrently with antidlabetic agents (e.g. insulin or glibenclamide (, so diabetic patients should be monitored. Precautions: Epicoflocin® should be used cautiously th:
- Renal or hepatic Impairment. - Patients with bnown or suspected CNS disotder thai may predispose to seizures or
lower the seizure threshold (e.g. severe cerebral arteriosclerosis, epilepsy). - Excessive sunlight or artificial ultraviolet light should be avoided.
- Epicofiodn® may alter the reactivity to such an extent that the ability to drive
vehicles or operate machines may be impaired.
- Epicoflocirs® should be discontinued if the patient experiences pain, Inflammation or rupture of a tendon. Pregnancy and lactation: Eplcofbocln° Is contraindicated during pregnancy, and must be used cautiously during lactation. Contra-indications: - Hypetsensitivity in the product or to any member of the fluoroqulnolones. - Children under 18 years of age. Side effects: Nausea, vomiling, abdominal pain, diarrhea, talulenco, headache, dizziness, drowsiness, Insomnia, fatigue, rash, primlus, vaginitis, photosensitivity reactions, visual disturbances, hyperglycemia or hypoglycemia, and In rare cases elevation of liver enzytnes. Storage conditions: Store at temperature not exceeding 30’C.
CDC) Centern for Disease Control and Prevention) recommended schedules for Chlamydla, Epididlmytis, Pelvic Inflammatory Disease IPID) and Gonorrhea:
-Chlamydia: 300mg orally 2 times/day for 7 days I alternative regimen. -Epldidbmytls: 300 mg orally 2 lImes/day for 10 days I alternatIve regtmen .PID, outpatient:400 mg orally 2 times/day for 14 days plus clindamycin or metronidozole. - Goosococcal Infections, uncomplicated: 400 tog orally in a single dose plus Missed dose: It you miss a dose, take it as soon as you can. If Iris almost time for your next dose, skip the missed dose, do not doable the dose to make up for the mtssed dose. Patients should drink sufficient quantity of water or other liquid every day. Drug interactions: - The concomitant administration of Eplcoflocin° with antacids containing calcium, aluminium, magnesium; sucralfate; drugs containing Iron; and multivltamins containing zinc results in decrease efficacy of Eplcoflocmn®, so they should sot be taker within the 2 hours period before or after administration of the drug. - Concomitant administratIon with wartarin enhances the effect of warfarin and prolongs the prothrOmbin time. - Disturbances of blood glucose may occur In patients treated concurrently with antidlabetic agents (e.g. insulin or glibenclamide (, so diabetic patients should be monitored. Precautions: Epicoflocin® should be used cautiously th:
- Renal or hepatic Impairment. - Patients with bnown or suspected CNS disotder thai may predispose to seizures or
lower the seizure threshold (e.g. severe cerebral arteriosclerosis, epilepsy). - Excessive sunlight or artificial ultraviolet light should be avoided.
- Epicofiodn® may alter the reactivity to such an extent that the ability to drive
vehicles or operate machines may be impaired.
- Epicoflocirs® should be discontinued if the patient experiences pain, Inflammation or rupture of a tendon. Pregnancy and lactation: Eplcofbocln° Is contraindicated during pregnancy, and must be used cautiously during lactation. Contra-indications: - Hypetsensitivity in the product or to any member of the fluoroqulnolones. - Children under 18 years of age. Side effects: Nausea, vomiling, abdominal pain, diarrhea, talulenco, headache, dizziness, drowsiness, Insomnia, fatigue, rash, primlus, vaginitis, photosensitivity reactions, visual disturbances, hyperglycemia or hypoglycemia, and In rare cases elevation of liver enzytnes. Storage conditions: Store at temperature not exceeding 30’C.
Dosage GuidelInes
How supplied: 10 scored Elm coated tablets. Revision Date: July 2008.
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