Monday, September 2, 2013


For The Medical Prof ession Only CIPROCIN® EIPItO 
Film-Coated Tablets Vials (IV)
Broad Spectrum Fluoroquinolone
Ciprocinliti it one of the moat potent of the fluoroquinolone antibacteriel group. It is beef ericidal acting by inhibition of the A subunit of DNA gyrese enzyme essential for bacterial DNA reproduction. Ciprocin® has a broad spectrum of activity against moat Gram-negative bacteria and many Gram-positive bacteria including Enterobacteriacese, including S. call, Proteua, Klebaiella, Salmonella, Shigella, Serratie, Citrobacter, Enterobacter, Providentia, Yerainia; Pseudomones seruginosa; Morsxells catarrhalia and Heemophilus influenzae (including beta-lactamase producing strains), l-faemophilus persintuenzae and ducreyl, Neisseria gnonorrhoeae (including beta-lsctamaae producing strains), Neisseria meningitidis, Campylobacter app., and Vibrio app.; Staphylococci (including penicillinase-producing and penicillinese-nonproducing atrains and some methicillin-resiatsnt straina), Streptococci (including pyogenea, fsecalis end pneumoniae).
Clprocln® has some activity against mycobacteria, and mycoplaamas. 
Ciprofloxecin is rapidly and well abaorbed from the gsstrointeatnst tract. Oral biosvsilability is about 70% and a peek plasma concentration is achieved 1 —2 houra after a dons of 500 mg by mouth. Absorption may be delayed by the presence of food but is not aubstsntislly affected overall. Plsams half-life is about 3.5 — 4.5 hours. Protein binding ranges from 20— 40%. It is widely diatributed in the body and fiaaue penetration ia generally good. High concentrationa am achieved in bile. Ciprofloxacin ia eliminated primarily by urinary excretion, but non-renal clearance may account for about s third of elimination and includes hepatic metabolism, bilisry excretion , end possible transluminal secretion across the intestinal mucosa. About 40-50% of the oral dose is excreted unchanged in urine and about 15% as metabotitea which have antimicrobial scfivity, but are lens active then unchanged ciprofloxscin. Up to 70% of the parenteral dose may be excreted unchanged and within 24 hours and 10% 55 metsbolitea. Fecst excretion over 5 days has accounted for
20—30% of an oral dons and 15% of an intrsvenoua dose. 
-Treatment of infections due to susceptible micro-organisms:
-Urinary tract infectiona.
-Acute sinusitis, and malignant otitia extems.
-Lower respiratory tract infections.
-Exacerbations of cyatic fibrosis.
-Bone and joint infections.
-Skin and soft tissue infections.
-Gastrointestinal tract infections including biliary tract infections, infectious
diarrhea, typhoid and paratyphoid fevers.
-Genital tract infections: proatatitis, gonorrhea and chencroid.
-Septicemis and peritonitis.
-Surgical infection prophylaxis.
-Meningococcal meningitis prophylaxis.
-Infections in immunocompromised patients (neutropenis).
-Inhalation anthrax.
Dosage and Administration:
Oral Route
can be taken without regard to meals.
Clprocin® Tablets should be given every 12 hours.
The Usual Adult Dose:
Duration of therapy:
Depends upon the severity of infection.
Generally, Ciprocin® should be continued for at least 2 days after the signs and symptoms of infection have disappeared, except for inhalational anthrax (postexpoaure).
Doses in Renal Function Impairment:

Each dosage unit contains:
Film-Coated Tablet
Vial (20 ml)
250, 500 or 750 mg
(as hydrochloride)
10 mg/i ml (as lactate)

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