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For the Medical Profession Only BRONCHOPHANE ____ Syrup
Composition: Each 5 ml contains:
Guarphenesrn 50mg
Ephednise hydrochlorIde 7.5mg
Diphenittydramine hydrochloride 5 my Dextmmethorphan as hydrobromide 4.58mg
Exdplents: Sodium phosphate dibaslc, citric acid atdtydrous, sucrose, sanbitol 70%, sodIum heocoate, FDC
yellow no.6, peach flavor, propylene glycol, ethanol, puri5nd waler. Properties:
BRONCHOPHANE Is a well-tolerated balanced formula acting as expectorant asd cough sedative, It contalrts gualyhenesin, ephedrine hydrochloride, diphenhydramlne hydrochloride, and deutnomethorphan hydrobromldv. Goaiphenesin Increases yrodoction of resyiratony tract golds 10 help liquefy and reduce viscosity of tenacious sputum, It thins respiratony secretions for easier removaL If sputum Is not removed, II may support growth of bacteria and make breathing more dtthcult. Ephednine isa sympurhornlxuetlc with dIrect aod indirecs effects on adrenetgic receptors, ft causes bnonchadilaratlon, thus relieving bronchospasm and nasal congestion. Dipherthydrarnise is a sedating antihistamine with anfiemvhc properties. It is used fun the symptomatic relief sf allergic conditions including thinitis. II has pronounced central sedative properties and is a common ingredient of compound preparations for symptomatic treatment of coughs and common cold. Deotromethorphan is a cough suppressant used for the relief of ton-productive cough; It has a central action on the cough centne in the medulla. Dextromethorphax In the small dose provided Is BRONCHOPHANE does not completely suppress the cough but calms It without influencing the expectorant property of gualphenestn. Cortseqaently, BRONCHOPHANE provides a fuU mange of therapeutic actIon against the cough, promotisg tnacheobmxclmlal secretion, relieving bronchospasm in asthmatic bmnchitlu, besides being helpEd to cnntml distressing coughs. Indications: -Acute and chronic bronchitis
-Asthmatic bronchitis.
-Cough associated with common cold. Dosage and Administration: Unless prescribed by the physician the dose as follows:
Childnen mona thank years: 1/2 teaspoonful 3—4 times daily.
Adults: 1-2 leaspoosftal 3—4 times daily. Drug Interactions: • CNS depressants and alcohol: May iucrease sedation.
• MAO inhibitors: May cause severe hypertension. Do not use together.
• Antihypentonsives: BRONCHOPHANE may decrease their etfectu. Precautions: • BRONCHOPHANE shoald be used wIth caution in:
- Elderly paliests.
- Hypertension and ltyperthynoidism.
- Nervous or excitable states, diabetes, or prostatic hypetplasio. Pregnancy and lactation: BRONCHOPHANE should be used cautiously during pregnaocy and it is nut rvcotutnvudnd duius lauauan. Contraindications: -HypersensitivIty to the drag and other sympadtomiurvtic drags.
-Patients tafdng monoamise otrtdase inhibitors (MAOts, certain drags prescribed for depression, psychiatric, or
emotional conditions, or Parkinson’s dIsease) en within 2 weeks of stopping MAOI5.
-Severe coronary artery disease or cardiovascular disease.
-BRONCHOPHANE Is cootraindicated Is children less thas 2 yeats, and nat to be taken with children less than
6 years without medical supervIsion. Side Effects: The side effects may Include drowsiness, sedatIon, and headache. -, Storage: ,ee,arseresrrnot srrx,ena
not exceeding 30’C, rewtOe5 eee,ar,raa,an sssseaeoaerrvrareaa
‘tm a,arr us 5 pierrm,aa Sr. saran a 5.OrbSr. 5, sc.es SM dax.
‘ness nensreroo,eaats.a,annr.botabyermaSat. ac g ng. -trcaereae, ms a’maneaosaarrsesrtusm. BRONCHOPHANE Syrup: Bottle of 125 ml. -eeMocsraacrmaaar.u
Date of revislom June 2011
E. I. P. I. CO.
Composition: Each 5 ml contains:
Guarphenesrn 50mg
Ephednise hydrochlorIde 7.5mg
Diphenittydramine hydrochloride 5 my Dextmmethorphan as hydrobromide 4.58mg
Exdplents: Sodium phosphate dibaslc, citric acid atdtydrous, sucrose, sanbitol 70%, sodIum heocoate, FDC
yellow no.6, peach flavor, propylene glycol, ethanol, puri5nd waler. Properties:
BRONCHOPHANE Is a well-tolerated balanced formula acting as expectorant asd cough sedative, It contalrts gualyhenesin, ephedrine hydrochloride, diphenhydramlne hydrochloride, and deutnomethorphan hydrobromldv. Goaiphenesin Increases yrodoction of resyiratony tract golds 10 help liquefy and reduce viscosity of tenacious sputum, It thins respiratony secretions for easier removaL If sputum Is not removed, II may support growth of bacteria and make breathing more dtthcult. Ephednine isa sympurhornlxuetlc with dIrect aod indirecs effects on adrenetgic receptors, ft causes bnonchadilaratlon, thus relieving bronchospasm and nasal congestion. Dipherthydrarnise is a sedating antihistamine with anfiemvhc properties. It is used fun the symptomatic relief sf allergic conditions including thinitis. II has pronounced central sedative properties and is a common ingredient of compound preparations for symptomatic treatment of coughs and common cold. Deotromethorphan is a cough suppressant used for the relief of ton-productive cough; It has a central action on the cough centne in the medulla. Dextromethorphax In the small dose provided Is BRONCHOPHANE does not completely suppress the cough but calms It without influencing the expectorant property of gualphenestn. Cortseqaently, BRONCHOPHANE provides a fuU mange of therapeutic actIon against the cough, promotisg tnacheobmxclmlal secretion, relieving bronchospasm in asthmatic bmnchitlu, besides being helpEd to cnntml distressing coughs. Indications: -Acute and chronic bronchitis
-Asthmatic bronchitis.
-Cough associated with common cold. Dosage and Administration: Unless prescribed by the physician the dose as follows:
Childnen mona thank years: 1/2 teaspoonful 3—4 times daily.
Adults: 1-2 leaspoosftal 3—4 times daily. Drug Interactions: • CNS depressants and alcohol: May iucrease sedation.
• MAO inhibitors: May cause severe hypertension. Do not use together.
• Antihypentonsives: BRONCHOPHANE may decrease their etfectu. Precautions: • BRONCHOPHANE shoald be used wIth caution in:
- Elderly paliests.
- Hypertension and ltyperthynoidism.
- Nervous or excitable states, diabetes, or prostatic hypetplasio. Pregnancy and lactation: BRONCHOPHANE should be used cautiously during pregnaocy and it is nut rvcotutnvudnd duius lauauan. Contraindications: -HypersensitivIty to the drag and other sympadtomiurvtic drags.
-Patients tafdng monoamise otrtdase inhibitors (MAOts, certain drags prescribed for depression, psychiatric, or
emotional conditions, or Parkinson’s dIsease) en within 2 weeks of stopping MAOI5.
-Severe coronary artery disease or cardiovascular disease.
-BRONCHOPHANE Is cootraindicated Is children less thas 2 yeats, and nat to be taken with children less than
6 years without medical supervIsion. Side Effects: The side effects may Include drowsiness, sedatIon, and headache. -, Storage: ,ee,arseresrrnot srrx,ena
not exceeding 30’C, rewtOe5 eee,ar,raa,an sssseaeoaerrvrareaa
‘tm a,arr us 5 pierrm,aa Sr. saran a 5.OrbSr. 5, sc.es SM dax.
‘ness nensreroo,eaats.a,annr.botabyermaSat. ac g ng. -trcaereae, ms a’maneaosaarrsesrtusm. BRONCHOPHANE Syrup: Bottle of 125 ml. -eeMocsraacrmaaar.u
Date of revislom June 2011
E. I. P. I. CO.
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